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Photograph by Alistair Pryde of Words & Pictures,

Ask not for whom the hound roos; she roos for thee.
(From: "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." John Donne, 1624)


The next announcement:


We are thrilled and delighted to announce that Hannah and Ben are due to take their next huge step – they are expecting our first grandchild who is due to arrive in late August.

And we thought that the excitement of the wedding was a pinnacle! 







February 2025


February was of course dominated by the announcement above!  Although we’ve known for a while, it’s considered to be “bad form” to make any sort of formal announcement until after the first trimester is achieved.  That’s happened, the tests have been completed and all is well!  We don’t know gender yet, but we are very excited.  It meant cancellation of our holiday, which we had booked for just that time, but that’s a tiny price to pay.


We spent most of the month re-doing the utility room.  We needed to fit a new, larger freezer and to do that we had to take down a wall cupboard ... and to do that we had to install a new base cupboard which we had to make room for and to do that we had to stack the drier onto the washing machine.  And that needed quite a lot of plumbing mods.  And we did all that during the month.  All very satisfying.


Ian did his Morse code and is now up to a reliable 18CPM which is equivalent to 6WPM (Farnsworth), Rx and Tx.  Those who know what that means, know!  He is absolutely delighted with that and is now plucking up the courage to go on the air with it.  He’s also been very busy with being the RSGB British Science Week (BSW) co-ordinator which, in the lead-up to BSW next month, is quite heavy.


Weather-wise, the first part of the month has been grey and dreary with a lot of rain and it’s been cold too.  The last week, though, has been absolutely lovely with lots of sunshine (and therefore a lot more solar power than we’d expected at this time of year).


So all in all it’s been a busy but very satisfying month.




Site last updated:

March 1st, 2025


ARCHIVE of older monthly updates (from July 2019 to this month) is available here.